AGROZYM is used both for the herbaceous treatment (seed treatment, soil preparation for the seedbed and transplanting treatment) and for the treatment of shrubs, fruit trees, ornamental and timber trees (seed treatment, soil preparation for the seedbed, transplanting treatment and treatment of the plants already grown).

AGROZYM supplies quickly large quantities of microorganisms, which digest quickly the organic compound turning it into humus. This latter keeps the elements, which are directly assimilated by the plant roots and contribute to the rapid growth of roots, trunks, branches and fruit.

AGROZYM reestablishes naturally, and not chemically, the biological equilibrium in the soils under cultivation, increasing the exchange capacity and the production potential.

Several years of tests, carried out using AGROZYM as seed inoculant in extensive agriculture, have highlighted increased production rates amounting to minimum 3% (and up to 20% under critical conditions) and also an improved uniformity and germination capacity of the seed produced with a considerable scrap reduction.

It was possible to obtain this excellent final result thanks to:
  • an earlier germination
  • an increased growth (up to 25%) of the seedlings up to the 8th leaf (biological brushwood control)
  • a 15% increased growth of the main root and of the root system in the mature plant (increased resistance against drought and critical climatic conditions)
  • an improved vegetable nutrition (as indicated by the high content of trace elements highlighted by the numerical analysis)
  • an increased resistance against phytopathologies in general and against the mycosis in particular (due to the competitive exclusion)
The tests carried out with AGROZYM on fruit trees and on ornamental and timber trees have highlighted that its germination capacity is 8 times as high as normally expected (Tek, Tectona nobilis), demonstrating also an 80% increase in the growth of the aerial part (cerebó, Schizolobiom amazonicum), a growing precocity in the flowering and in the fructification (toborochi, Chorizia Speciosa) and a control over the phytopathologies of mycotic origin (citrici).

AGROZYM is unique of its kind and belongs to the latest-generation biotechnological inoculants used in agriculture with an action stimulating the vegetable metabolism.

AGROZYM is a freeze-dried compound, which stimulates the bacterial metabolic reactions in the soils under cultivation.

AGROZYM consists of a mixture of natural yeasts, microorganisms multiplied starting from non-pathogenic strains, active principles and micro-elements extracted from seaweed (selected and cultivated in laboratory); it is also supported by special mineral salts.

In the biological cultivations (without chemical fertilization and without pesticides, fungicides, herbicides or dryers) AGROZYM is the ideal product to increase the yields.

The provisions about the Ecological Agriculture (European Economic Community Regulation No. 2092/91 dated June 24th 1991) decrees that:

both the fertility and the biological activity of the soil must be maintained or increased in the appropriate cases by means of: a) cultivation of legumes, green fertilizers or deep transplanting plants following a suitable rotation programme lasting several years and/or b) incorporation into the soil of organic compounds obtained from residues coming from the cultivations whose production complies with the provisions of the present Regulation. It will be only allowed to incorporate the organic or mineral fertilizers referred to by the Annex II to the extent that the appropriate nutrition of the vegetables in rotation or the soil conditioning is not possible, making only use of the methods mentioned in paragraphs a) and b).

For the compound activation it is possible to use appropriate preparations (biodynamic preparations) consisting either of microorganisms or of vegetables.